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Carousel Options

Select the parent Videos and navigate to the Settings tab. Now open the Carousel option panel. Now you can see the Carousel Option settings and click its appears customization.

When you click on the “Carousel ” option, you will see several settings that can be adjusted using sliders and various controls. Here is what is shown below in the screenshot for reference:

  • Columns: This setting determines the number of slides displayed side-by-side within the carousel at one time.
  • Columns Gap: This option specifies the spacing between the individual columns or slides.
  • Infinite Loop: Slides cycle continuously.
  • Autoplay: Slides play automatically.
  • Keyboard Control: Navigate using keyboard keys for better accessibility.
  • Mouse Wheel Control: Scroll through slides with the mouse wheel.
  • Navigation: Show or hide slider navigation.
  • Pagination: Show or hide pagination, with various types available.

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