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  3. GutSlider
  4. Static Slider
  5. Slide Content

Slide Content

To set your expected Static Slider, navigate to the Settings Tab and open the slider item slider Options. You can see the Slide Items option. Now, simply click on your expected slider content.

When you click on a slider item, three types of options are displayed: Panel Title, Slide Content, and Background. By simply clicking on slide content and you can see the content slide option.

  • Subtitle: Allows you to set a smaller heading that appears above the main title, e.g., “Gutslider Block.”
  • Title: Lets you add the primary heading for the slider content, such as “#1 Best Gutenberg Slider Block.”
  • Description: A detailed text area where you can provide additional content or information about the slider, making it more descriptive.
  • Button Label: This field enables you to set the text for the call-to-action button, e.g., “Get Gutslider.”
  • Button Link: Lets you insert a URL to redirect users when they click the button, e.g., “”

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